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Cascade group home
Glencoe group home
Park Place day program
Bradford group home
Learning together
A laugh between friends
Transporting client
Amber, John & Kristi
Lunch time!
In the park
Amelia and her wares
Brushing teeth

                                                                                      Adult Services

Community Options operates five Group Homes in Montrose and Delta Counties that offer 24-hour support for the residents. These homes are licensed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Our Personal Care Alternatives (“PCAs”) support from one to three persons and are staffed according to the needs of the residents. As an alternative to staffed homes, Community Options also offers the opportunity for individuals to live in contracted Host Homes that provide a family-like setting. These homes serve from one to three individuals each. Our newest program, Family Caregiver, allows individuals to stay in their homes and be cared for by a family member.

Community Options operates a variety of social, habilitative, educational and vocational programs that are provided at Day Program sites in Montrose and Cedaredge. We also provide an array of community activities that help to bring participants into the mainstream flow of community life.

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